
Long Ashton Golf Club

Academy Membership

Academy membership is open to golfers who have come through the professional staff coaching sessions and is the progression into full membership at Long Ashton Golf Club.

This membership is only available to those that the professional coaching staff have deemed are ready to start playing on the course and fully understand the golf etiquette on and off the course.

The PGA Professionals will be of assistance at every stage of a member’s development, providing opportunities to play with members and take play on course once approved.

Access to the course after 12pm Monday to Friday and Sunday (excluding Saturdays). You will be unable to enter club competitions and so will not be able to obtain a competitive handicap until you move into full membership. The membership can only be taken for a maximum of one year with the aim of moving to a full membership at the end of the period and is subject to a Golf Assessment prior to acceptance.

The membership enables you to make the progression to full membership as smoothly as possible.

  • 3 x 45 Minute lessons with a PGA professional
  • 1 x On Course lesson with a PGA professional
  • Introduction to the game including club, staff, course, clubhouse and admin
  • Basic rules and Etiquette information
  • Use of the clubhouse and facilities
  • Access to the practice facilities
  • Opportunity to meet and play with other members

Please note that clubs will not be provided for this membership and therefore our Professional Shop can advise you on what is required at exceptional prices. 

Cost: £715 Plus £125 joining fee.

Membership Enquiry Form


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