As winter rolls on, it becomes even easier to take divots because of the softer ground. With this in mind, it's important to be aware of tee box etiquette when it comes to taking practice swings, especially on par-3s.
Taking a divot on the tee box is easy to do if you're not concentrating whilst eyeing up your tee shot, but at this time of year especially, it can cause lasting turf damage. When taking your pre-shot swings, make sure you step off to the side of the tee box and find a section of longer grass, which will let you brush the top without having to worry about taking a nasty divot.
If you repair a pitch mark badly it can actually do a lot more harm than if you had left it alone, so it’s essential you know how to do it correctly. Pleaser take the time to watch the video below and repair your pitch marks and any others you may see on the greens.